
  • Upcoming

  • Invited Speaking


     “The Heavens and Hells of Amazonian Medical Anthropology, 1967 - 1990,” The Madison Drug History Workshop, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 3.

    “Psychedelic History in the APS,” Brown Bag, The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, September 17.


    “Brujas, Cuye, and Perritos, Oh My: On the Boundaries of Psychiatric Expertise and Human Worlds in Peruvian Mental Healing,” Expert Research Colloquium “On Being Insane in Sane Places: New Perspectives on the Social History of Madness and Psychiatry,” McGill University, May 15.

    “Encountering Ayahuasca in the Devil’s Paradise: From Everyday Violence to Amazonian Science, 1849 - 1877,” Cabinet of Natural History, University of Cambridge, virtual, February 13.


    “What’s New/Next in the History of Psychedelic Biomedicine,” Borghesi-Mellon Workshop, University of Wisconsin-Madison, virtual, November 21. Please click here to view.


    “Enchanting Science: Ayahuasca and Ecologies of Knowledge in the Northwestern Amazon, 1853-2012,” Global Histories of Drugs: Right Now, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 6.

  • Select Conference Participation


    “Rhizomatic Psychedelics: An Environmental Future for the ‘Psychedelic Renaissance’ from the Northwestern Amazon,” History of Science Society, Mérida, November 7 – 10.

    “Making Space for Multiplicity in Global Psychedelic Histories: Or, Where Did the Sorcery Go?” Canadian Society for the History of Medicine, Montréal, June 19 – 21.


    “How Hoasca Transforms: The União do Vegetal and the Hoasca Project in the Brazilian Amazon,” History of Science Society, Chicago, November 17 - 20.

    Roundtable: “The State of Drug and Alcohol Pedagogy: Teaching Challenges and Innovations,” The Alcohol and Drugs History Society, Mexico City, June 15 - 17.

    “From la Selva to the Laboratory: The Politics of Ayahuasca and the Science of Nationalism in Peru, 1918 – 1968,” American Historical Association, Virtual, February 21 - 27.


    “In Search of the Folk: Psychiatry, Folklore, and Indigeneity in Early 20th century Peru,” American Association for the History of Medicine, Virtual, May 12 - 16.


    “Standardizing the Altered-Self: Technologies of Standardization Between Experimental Psychiatry and Medical Anthropology in Peru, 1961-1991,” European Society for the History of the Human Sciences, Budapest, July 4 - 6.  


    “Come-By-Chance: The Peculiar Pull of Newfoundland Medical Practice, 1950-1961,” American Association for the History of Medicine, Nashville, TN, May 4 - 7.